Annual Conferences
- East Ohio
- Illinois Great Rivers
- Indiana
- Michigan Area
- Minnesota
- Northern Illinois
- West Ohio
- Wisconsin
- Baltimore-Washington
- Eastern Pennsylvania
- Greater New Jersey
- New England
- New York
- Peninsula-Delaware
- Susquehanna
- Upper New York
- North Texas
- Great Plains
- Louisiana
- Oklahoma
- Alabama-West Florida
- Florida
- Holston
- Kentucky
- Memphis
- North Alabama
- North Carolina
- North Georgia
- South Carolina
- South Georgia
- Tennessee
- Western North Carolina
- California-Nevada
- California-Pacific
- Desert Southwest
- Oregon-Idaho
- Pacific Northwest
- Rocky Mountain
General Agencies
- General Board of Global Ministries
- General Board of Discipleship
- General Board of Church and Society
- General Board of Higher Education and Ministry
- General Commission on Religion and Race
- General Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Ethnic Plans
- Asian American Language Ministry
- Korean Ministry Plan
- Native American Comprehensive Plan
- Pacific Islander National Plan
- Strengthening the Black Church for the 21st Century
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